On another note, I had a chance to make a quick stop at the Creating Keepsakes Vendor Faire in Pasadena yesterday. I didn't take any classes, but wanted to check out what fun new items they had at the vendor faire. You may see a few things I bought in some upcoming posts!
My goal this weekend was to straighten up my craft room...I sort of started yesterday, but I need to finish up today. It's quite the process for me, but I'm motivated to keep things neat and tidy so I can keep track of all my new supplies and toys I've recently acquired from my SU sneak peek stuff and the goodies I procured from my vendor faire outing yesterday! Let me tell you...I probably did more damage than I should have, but I figure that I would use them for my store :) Well, I better get going...my craft room organization project is calling! Have a great day!
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