Hey there blog peeps! I finally got around to punching out the basic square sizes for the Scallop Trim Border and Corner and the Pinking Hearts Border and Corner punches and wanted to share them with you so you'd have them as reference. As you can imagine, as a result of this little exercise, I got A LOT of practice doing these! Here's a look at the scallop squares:

Don't they look cool all stacked up? Well, in order to do these, I've marked down the size of the starting piece of cardstock for the corresponding squares below:
Here are the sizes again for your reference. Cut your starting squares to the following sizes:
1 15/16"
2 3/8"
2 7/8"
3 1/4"
3 13/16"
4 1/4"
4 3/4"
Here are the steps for you in order to make the square:
1. Punch out all 4 corners first. Here's how: take the Scallop Trim Corner punch and hold it upside down so that the bottom side of the punch is facing you. Align the corner of the cardstock into the corner of the punch and punch out the corner. Repeat for the remaining corners.
2. Punch out the sides: Take the Scallop Trim Border punch and turn it upside down so the bottom is facing you. Take the cardstock and align at least one of the scallops on the cardstock to one of the scallops on the punch. You'll know it's aligned when the scallop on the cardstock is perfectly covered up by the scallop of the punch. Now, punch it out and continue to align the carstock scallops with the punch until you complete the side. Continue till you finish all sides.
Now, here's a look at the Pinking Hearts square:
Just so you know, the measurements for the Pinking Hearts square are slightly different - so make sure to note them below:
Here are the sizes for the Pinking Hearts square:
2 7/8"
3 1/4"
3 5/8"
4 3/8"
4 3/4"
If you click on any of the pictures above, it'll open up a larger photo, plus, it'll be easier to read the corresponding measurements! To do the Pinking Hearts square, follow the same instructions as the Scallop Trim squares, but use the correct card stock sizes above! Have fun practicing :)
TIP: To make rectangles, you can mix and match the square sizes for the scallop or the pinking hearts squares. For example, you can make a scallop trim rectangle that's 2 3/8" x 3 1/4", or you can create a Pinking Hearts rectangle that's 2 7/8" x 4." Feel free to experiment with the different rectangle shapes that'll suit your projects :)
Now, I have to give credit where credit is due - I got these measurements from
Gretchen Barron's blog, and she does an awesome job showing you the steps, so if you need more visualization on how to do this, make sure to pay her a visit! Hope that helps!
If you like the Scallop Trim Border punch, you can get that as a free Sale-a-bration item when you place an order of $50 or more!
But keep in mind that Wednesday, March 31st is the LAST DAY of Sale-a-bration, so you'll need to order today (for US customers)! All you need to do is click Shop Now on my Demonstrator Website and you'll be all set.
As for the Pinking Hearts Border and Corner punch, those are items in the Occasions Mini which will be available until April 30th.
Have a great day! Thanks for stopping by.