I went to Birmingham this week to visit my brother and his family. I came back on Thursday and it felt like the fastest trip ever! We were on the go as soon as I stepped off the plane, but I had a great time hanging out with my bro, Carrie and the kids. I even got to take my first Crossfit class at Richard's Crossfit Birmingham gym. It really did kick my butt! I am still sore and I took the class at the crack of dawn on Wednesday morning.
The "WOD" or Workout of the Day consisted of 5 rounds of:
250 meter run
20 kettle bell swings
5 ring dips (or the alternate exercise of 15 tricep dips on the box, which is what I did)
and then to top it all off, you had to row up to 500 on the rowing machine. It was a great workout. Very high intensity for a short duration of time. I was impressed. Good job, Bro! I think I'm gonna try and incorporate some crossfit stuff with my running just to change things up.
I also managed to do a stamping workshop for Carrie on Wednesday night and that was a lot of fun too! Now I just wish that my trip was a few days longer...it really did fly by. Here's a glimpse of my quick trip.