
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Flower visors, anyone?

Hi all! The other day, I made my first fabric flower and got SO HOOKED on making these, that I made a few more, in different flower styles, even! I also had a bunch of visors that I had ordered from a friend years ago {circa 2006}, but never ended up doing anything with them. Well, lucky me - I rediscovered them and pinned the fabric flowers on them and they are JUST ADORABLE! Aren't these fun for the spring and summer? We've gotten quite a warm up in weather here in Southern CA - it was mid 70's yesterday - that these visors would be perfect to use out and about. How cute to have a visor for the beach, too, don't you think? Here's a close up of the flowers I made. I used the flower folds die for one of them, and for the other two, I created the flowers using the scallop circle #2 dies! Here are closeup's of the different flowers: This first flower is made the same way I created my first fabric flower post. The fabric is also part of that same pre-packaged quilting squares I used!
This flower is made using both scallops on the Scallop Circles #2 Bigz die. It's only 2 layers instead of 3, but you use the same method as the flower folds flower in putting it together.
This last flower also uses the Scallop Circles #2 Bigz die. The only difference is when I folded it in half, I actually offset the fold so it wasn't quite in half - that way, the reverse side would peak through and give it some extra dimension.

Now that I've made a few of these, I think I want to order some more visors! I've been doing some research and have found this site carries the Anvil visors, but haven't ordered from them before, so I may do some more research. They're a pretty good price though! Hope you enjoyed this! If you're local, you can come to my March Big Shot class, where we'll be making these. Sign up for my newsletter to get the details!

Have a great day!


  1. Great idea Rosie...I'll be casing this for sure. You're brilliant!!!!

  2. Love the flowers and love them on the visors! Great idea.

  3. Rose,
    How cute!
    Great idea!
    I may be putting this die on my upcoming order! :)
    Take care!

  4. Super Cute! I HAVE to get this die!

  5. Love the flowers. Never thought about the scallop circle die. Will have to give it a try.

  6. Rose, you are such a talented gal!
    Love these!

  7. Wow! Great blog!
    I'm a new demo and have been perusing the net getting ideas. I love your ideas. Cute visor!
    Wish I lived closer!

  8. Rosa,
    I LOVE these! What a clever idea. You sure brought new life to those visors! Way to go. When is your next meeting?

  9. Just darling, Rose. My stamping group is going to use these fabric flowers on a card next month for stamp camp! Love them.

  10. CUTE! I love these and the colors are great! :)

  11. These are simply the cutest, Rose! Great job on the flowers, and they are super adorable on the visors ;o)

  12. Wow, this looks amazing. The layered fabric is so pretty and it's so simple and effective. Thanks so much for the inspiration.


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