
Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July recap and Freebie Friday 26 Winner!

Hello all! Hope you had a great weekend. It was so nice to have an extra day, although it still seemed to go by fast! We had a great time this weekend - saw friends for dinner, went to a baby shower, then we watched the annual firework show we go to at the beach. Since we're in the South Bay, we got to see a glimpse of the firework shows all the way from Malibu and Santa Monica - it was an awesome clear night! Here are a few photos I thought I'd share:Here we are setting up our spot on the beach - the couple in the picture are actually the people in front of us. The mountains in the background across the way are the Santa Monica Mountains and below them is Malibu.
Here's a picture of me and Michael - as you can see, we're a little bundled up because it was a chilly 60 degrees on the beach!
Here are some firework photos - I love watching them over the water. It was a particularly clear night with a slight breeze, so the fireworks looked AMAZING!

Hope you enjoyed that! Now, are you ready to hear who won the Freebie Friday button giveaway? And the winner is.... Lucky #22, who happens to be Melody! Congratulations, Melody! Please email me with your info so I can send you your goodie! And for all of you that played, thanks so much! It was fun reading all your comments.

As for the last time we saw fireworks, we actually go to a firework show at Christmas, which is also lots of fun! There's caroling, Christmas festivities, and a musical accompaniment when the fire works go off, so it's just a great time. You can check out pictures from this post

Thanks for stopping by today! Have a great week and I'll catch up with you guys a little later :)


  1. Looks like you had a fun 4th. It was quite chilly here once it got dark...we were all bundled up in blankets.

  2. Congrats to Melody! Love your photos!

  3. Rose,
    Beautiful pictures!
    Take care!


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