
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Blog refresh

Hi there blog friends! Just thought I'd pop in real quick to let you know that I have been doing some tinkering on the blog tonight.  If you've stopped by my blog before, you may have noticed that things look a bit different.  I thought it was time for a little blog makeover as it's been awhile since I've made changes to the creative layout of my blog. So, I decided to freshen up my blog with a new header that I created in MDS2.  I'm really liking the crisp spring color palette and I hope you like it too!

I'm still toying with a few details here and there, but I think it's coming along. Part of the change was also making my blog post area a little wider to give some of the images and posts a little more breathing room.

It'll be a work in progress for the next week or so, so please pardon the dust. :)  In the meantime, I'd love to get your feedback!

I'll be back soon. Ciao for now!

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