
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Stampin'Up!'s Weekly Deals {Feb 18}

Hi all!  I know it's been a little quiet on my end for a Tuesday.  Suffice it to say, I'm having technical difficulties and will need to resume my {Tech Tip Tuesday} segment next week.  Time just escaped me…even with the long President's day weekend! :(  Not to worry - I promise I'll make up for it next week. :)

I do have a quick update for this week's deals though…would you like to see?
There are a couple of crafting "must have's" for sale this week - namely, the 3/16th inch corner punch and the silver metallic encore pad.  Metallic is all the rage right now, so it's great to have silver or gold on hand to spruce up your crafting projects, don't you think?  Well, these products and more are available at my online store 24/7, so feel free to hop over there if you want to take a peek!

I just want to leave you with a few pics from this weekend - our little family went to visit the California Science Center to check out the Space Shuttle Endeavour…boy was it amazing!  The shuttle was so massive and to see it in person was awesome!  I'm glad we got to witness a little piece of history. The Endeavour's weathered exterior says a lot and tells a great story of its incredible journeys.  

We had a fun time at the science center and even got to make our way over to the Natural History Museum, which was so cool, too!  If you're in Southern CA, it's definitely worth the wile to check out these museums {especially if you've got little kiddies in tow!}

Thanks for coming by to visit.  I'm glad your journey brought you here today! Have a great one. :)

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