
Friday, January 10, 2014

Hello from Houston!

Hi all!  I can't believe it's already Friday!  Boy does time fly when you're having fun!  I've got a lot to share, though I forgot how jam packed the schedules are.  And, there's the connectivity issues. :)  So thanks for bearing with me.  I did a quick page in MDS2 to share tonight.  It actually helped since I got to create the page without needing wi-fi and so was able to upload it in a jiffy!

For this evening's leadership programming, we'll be doing make and takes, so stay tuned for a peek at the projects tomorrow.  I'll also be posting to my Flickr link here, so feel free to take a look there as well. :)

Off to do some crafting!  Thanks for popping in! Bye for now.

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