
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Do you know the way to San Jose?

Greetings, all! I wanted to pop in real quick to say hello. It's been a little quiet here on the blog, mostly because it's been a bit busy for me behind the scenes with my day job and of course, family stuff! As we speak I am in transit up the California coastline, headed to San Jose for the day for work. Below is a quick snap I took from the air!

So, I had the best intentions to get Valentines out and cards posted, but it's looking like I will need to send some virtual ones tomorrow. I have all the supplies, so maybe in my elvin craft room tonight, I'll be able to make a few. You'll have to check back tomorrow to see how I do! How about you guys? Did you make some fun Valentine craft ideas. Would love to hear!

I will chat with you guys soon. Have a great day!

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