
Monday, December 21, 2009's time for the 50th Freebie Friday drawing!

Hey there folks! It just dawned on me that this week marks the 50th Freebie Friday!! Wow - can you believe it? One more left this year! Well, let's find out who this week's lucky winner is, shall we?

And the winner is... Lucky number 10! That would be MARLA!!!! Congratulations, Marla. I'll be sending you an email soon to get your info.

Thanks all, for playing this week! I hope you'll join me in the last Freebie Friday of the year this Friday.

For the new year, I'll be posting a Freebie Friday on the Last Friday of the month, so stay tuned....keep in mind it's gonna be Stampin'Up!'s Sale-a-bration period and the new Occasions Mini catalog is coming as well, so there may be some goodies from there {wink wink!}

I am gonna keep it short tonight, because I am still finishing up on my holiday preparations. This is probably the most last minute I've been {yikes! working on some New Year's Resolutions to stay on top of things...}

Have a good night and I'll catch up with you guys in a bit!

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