
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wow! What a nice surprise!

I am such a happy girl right now! No, my catalog didn't come in the mail this evening. But something equally fulfilling (on a personal crafty girl level)....I just discovered that I made it to Kristina's Werner's Color Challenge #53 roundup! WooHoo!!! {Imagine a happy dance here} How cool is that!!?! Here's a snapshot of the top 13 cards in the roundup. You can check out my sailboat card from my post here. I feel like such a little kid in a candy store right now! I am really so thrilled that Kristina picked my card - yay! That definitely helps take the edge off my wait for my new SU catty and sneak peek stuff!!

I still need to work on my Mojo Card...maybe now I'll have some new inspiration :) Catch you all in a bit!

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