
Monday, January 14, 2013

Dude, You're Welcome!

One of the cool announcements that were made at Leadership that I’m excited to share is a new masculine stamp set offering called “Dude, You’re Welcome!”  What is that, you say?  Well, imagine a stamp set and papers especially made with the guy in mind.  Something that’s masculine and cool that I think the men in our lives would appreciate.  Do you wanna have a quick look to see what I mean?

Here’s a fun little video that says it all.  Take a look an enjoy!  I know it made me chuckle when I saw it the first time.

Whaddaya think?  Pretty cool, eh?  Are you wondering when and how you can get it?  Well, wonder no more!  It’s available starting today!  You can check it out at my online store here.  I know I’ll be getting one to share with my dear hubs.  I can’t wait to get his feedback!  Bye for now.

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