
Friday, June 22, 2012

June's Final Friday Giveaways!

Yes...I said giveaways because I will be picking 2 lucky winners for the following goodies !
1) The Chevron Embossing folder

2)  The Afterthoughts Hostess Stamp set!

Hope you'll play along and leave me a comment!  As always, you can leave me a comment about anything, or you can tell me what your summer plans are!  Or, since June is a big Birthday Month at my house, you can tell me about a fun Birthday memory.  I think I've asked that question before, but it's always nice to read about your personal stories!

Here's a quick run down of my giveaway rules...all I ask is that you play using the "honor" system:
1. Leave me just ONE comment on this post by midnight Pacific Time, Wed, June 27, 2012.
2. On your comment, please make sure to include a valid email address or a blog URL (where I can leave a comment or have a way of contacting you). For those of you that are uncomfortable with leaving an email in a post, you can write your info like this: yourname at emailaccount dot com.
3. One comment per person please. :)
4. Anyone can play - international visitors welcome!

Look forward to reading your comments.  Have a great Friday! :)  Toodles for now!  I will announce the winner next Friday, June 29th on the bloggie blog. 


  1. Oppps forgot my email
    elusionary60 at

    and I'd have to say a fun memory is when me and a couple of my girlfriends went out for my BD and her darling man sent us wine to the resturant ... we where suppose to be at ... so we had to go there and enjoy the wine let's just say. After that nite I discovered that I don't have a good tolerance for wine ... as by the end of the nite a whole 4 glasses later it ended up on my porch

  2. Thanks for the wonderful chance to win!

  3. Hello Rose,
    June is a pretty month to celebrate birthdays. The days are long, the sun is shining, most people have a tan on their skin (-:
    But unfortunately we have no summer yet. It's too cold over here (The Netherlands/Europe)
    But we hope that the weather will get better soon. Our summervacation will be in august, hopefully the temperature improves by that time.

    Have a nice weekend,
    bye bye Judith

  4. my birthday this year was my greatest! My darling husband made me a beautiful cake that he spent days making, so much love and effort went into it, I was also suffering from a fractured foot and not able to walk so he made everything so wonderful, I'll never forget it! Thanks for the chance to win these lovely stamps!

  5. We are trying to make a quick trip to see the Washington DC area! I really hope we can make it!
    lunastamps at yahoo dot com

  6. Love your blog. You are so generous to offer your giveaways. Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. My birthday is June 23rd. I am the only person in my family with a June birthday. My favorite memory of my birthday were in high school I would invite lots of friends to sleep outside in a tent (we lived in the country). We would sneak out in the middle of the night and pose for photos in our summer pajamas - on a bridge, by a horse, etc. Thanks for the opportunity to win some blog candy!
    cziegler at tds dot com

  8. My summer plans include competing in Ironman Lake Placid in July and then hopefully being able to relax and get some stamping done! All my training for the race has left little time to enjoy my craft room.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  9. Hi Rose..thanks for another great giveaway!!Not sure what my plans are for the summer..just looking forward to enjoying the nice weather...

  10. Hello Rosie - Always excited to see your posts and have a chance to win your give-aways! My birthday month is July - always exciting to see what my great husband comes up!

    Enjoy your family,

  11. Helllooo Rose!! I've been enjoying your "new" posts. Love the personal stuff.
    So summer plans....hummm..well my 22 year old son moved out this past January (yay!) and I'm redoing his formerly dark man cave. LOL It's a lovely turquoise with white trim. I'm waiting on my counter tops to come in from Home Depot and then I plan on having some classes in there. (yay!) Other than that I am enjoying watching my garden grow and hoping for a bountiful harvest of veges. Hope you are enjoying your summer too dear.

  12. My favorite birthday memory was when I turned 50 and my husband and I flew first class to Hawaii (used up all those frequent miles). What a fabulous week we had. Thanks for a chance to win.


  13. I'm looking forward to a week at the cottage....hopefully a lot of sun and rest and relaxation! Thanks for offering the chance to win your blog candy(ies)!!!! laura j

  14. Hi Rose! Happy June birthday to you! My birthday is the 4th of July (right around the corner) and having a birthday on a holiday brings LOTS of memories. My all time favorite is decorating my bike for the 4th of July parade and riding down main street at the age of 10 thinking I OWED THE WORLD because I was able to ride my bike down the middle of Main Street. WOW! Many thanks for this opportunity to win your fabulous giveaway! Kadie
    kadielabadie at live dot com

  15. Sonia Rowe
    Rose thanks for the chance to win some neat goodies. Just got back from a trip with my daughters Girl Scout Troop (3 girls and 11 adults)Awesome troop. We spent 1 night in a cave at The Lost Sea and the other night in the Shark Tunnel at Ripley's Aquarium.
    I am ready to do some major paper crafting ;-)

  16. Dear Rose, I don't have any plans yet :-) But I love your candy, so I hope I can participate in the draw. Hugs,
    Marianne MW

  17. Hi Rose,
    My most memorable birthday was my 40th.My Husband put together a SURPRISE party with 8 couples at this fancy supper club,AND had a LIMO pick ALL of us up together ! What a excellant time!! Thank You for the chance to WIN some candy !

  18. Always enjoy getting your emails and checking out your projects; they are always awesome. Looking forward to going to the beach in a couple of weeks!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  19. My summer plans are to create a shadow box for my hubby with some 3D memorabilia from his geocaching adventures and to scrapbook my daughter's grade school years, which will be coming to an end next May when she graduates from 8th grade. Thanks for the chance at some SU! goodies! (rgauss at sbcglobal dot net)

  20. Thanks for the chance to win!
    thisday at ne dot rr dot com

  21. We are heading to Turks and Caicos for a few nights, and maybe to Maine to go to Acadia National Park.

  22. Debbie G
    Summer plans are spending time with the Gradkids, hopefully in the pool. Helping plan my oldest Grandsons Grad party. Spending time with my BFF during the summer, shopping etc but mostly laughing alot. Thank you the chance to win such a generous blog candy.

  23. Happy Summer Rose, its been such a good start this summer. Hopefully we will get some camping going, especially for my daughter's birthday. That is her wish. Thank you for the chance to win the blog candy. I feel lucky. Have a great summer. Raquel

  24. Happy Birthday, Rose! June 27 is my DH's birthday so what a nice gift that would be for me to win one of your awesome giveaways. Chevrons are so trendy right now. Our summer hopefully will consist of lots of sunny days on our pontoon boat enjoying time with friends. Thanks for the chance to win! bdlakebum at yahoo dot com

  25. HI Rose! You are offering us so beautiful supplies - Thanks! I want to spent my holiday on Baltic Sea!

    Hugsa from Poland


    natka.borkowska at

  26. My favorite birthday memory is waking up on my birthday as a kid and seeing that my mom had decorated my room with a banner and balloons while I was sleeping.

    Such a wonderful giveaway!
    hillaryst at hotmail dot com

  27. I just discovered your blog! I'll be visiting often.

  28. Rose, the chevron embossing folder is so FAB and the Afterthoughts are great too. Thanks so much for the chance to win these fun giveaways.
    My Birthday is in June, alone with a niece, grandson and a friend (who's b-day is the same as mine :) Always fun celebrating with Bar-B-Ques by the pool!

  29. Rose,
    I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my BFF from San Antonio, TX. She will be visiting for 3 weeks up here in RI. I am so excited! We met way back in HS in Newport, RI and lost touch for a few years and then hooked up again and we have been staying in touch and trying to get together as much as we can. She has been coming for HS ReUnions every 5 yrs, this is an off year and we just plan on spending time "on the Rocks" around the Ocean Drive in Newport and just 'chill-axin'" WooHoo She arrives on June 28 and I am just so excited and happy she will spend more than a week!
    Cheryl McAskill

  30. Hi Rose, hope you are doing well. June is such a busy month for us. Kids are out of school and ready for the summer break. We usually head out to the beach middle of the month. Thanks so much for your generosity. ctcao at earthlink dot net.

  31. Love your blog! Your projects are always inspirational to me. Thank you for chance to win a wonderful blog candy!

  32. excellent blog candy, My husband surrprised me for my 50th. We usually went to a friends out for supper after church on a Saturday evening. We took turns but it was my turn to go to Edith's home. When we arrived I was walking up the stairs as it was a bi-level and heard a little voice singing Happy Birthday granny,.Kevin my husband had got our eldest bachelor son to drive 5 hours to pick up our grandson and bring him home to surprise me.They had to fly for 2 hours also to our home at that time in Fort McMurray. He also had flown my daughter and husband home.Our other son lived in town but I was blown away, I cried and cried, in fact when I saw Codie, I fell to my knees on the stairs. He kept saying granny are you not happy? I tried to explain to Codie who was 2 that I was so overwhelmed and happy.
    Thanks for this opportunity to win.

  33. Thanks for the chance at great blog candy ! Last year for my Granddaughter's 10th birthday we had an Amazing Race Party for her and 10 girlfriends ~ very, very fun ! Her Dad (my son) is so creative and made a
    fantastic "race". They even made their own sushi roll at a friend's restaurant. I tried to keep up with them because I was taking photos, but at 62 it was hard to do *U* But, really it was so much fun!!

  34. Another wonderful candy Rose. Thanks so much for the chance.
    Hugs, Rosalee


  35. We don't have much planned for the summer as we are trying to relax an enjoy the great summers we have in the Rocky Mountains (a little rain would be really nice, though).

  36. My summer plans always involve eating dinner outside with candles. I love eating outside on a balmy night.

    I hope you have a lovely summer ROse, and thanks so much for the chance to win beautiful blog candy!


  37. We don't have big plans this summer. going to the beach for the fourth and home the rest of the time. thanks for the chance at blog candy.

  38. Fab giveaway! This summer I will be visiting my daughter in San Diego. Love the beaches and the weather out there. :)

    cokiepop [at] [yahoo] dot [com]

  39. Love to see all of your blog post! Hope we get to stamp soon!!


  40. Hoping am not to late to enter. You have a fabulous blog.


Yay! I love comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me one.