
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October Final Friday Giveaway is here!

Hello there blog friends! Are you ready for this month's Final Friday Giveaway? It's a great all occasion stamp set called Slice of Life that was offered earlier this year as a Hostess Set! With these versatile images, you can create, Birthday, Wedding, Thank You, Baby, Valentine, or general thinking of you cards with a snap! Would you like to win this set?

All you have to do to play is follow these simple rules, only enforced by the "Honor System":
1. Leave me a comment on this post by midnight Pacific Time, Wed, October 25th, 2011.
2. On your comment, please make sure to include a valid email address or a blog URL (where I can leave a comment or have a way of contacting you). For those of you that are uncomfortable with leaving an email in a post, you can write your info like this: yourname at emailaccount dot com.
3. One comment per person please. :)
4. Anyone can play - international visitors welcome!
Feel free to comment on anything, or if you'd like, you can tell me about a favorite Halloween memory or Halloween tradition.  For me, I think this year will be a memorable one with EVERY holiday, since it's going to be Denver's firsts!  I'm excited about this Halloween and seeing him dressed up...he's going to be a Lion!  Of course, I had to tie it into our Africa Safari trip ;)  I'll definitely post pictures of him once we have them.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that he will like being in his costume!  I'm looking forward to reading your comments.  You guys are so fun to play along and humor me.  So, as you ponder your memory or tradition, sit, stay a while, and enjoy the music on the bloggie blog or perusing past Halloween posts to get you in the Halloween Spooky spirit!
Have a great day and thanks for popping by!

{PS - If you happen to be reading this post in your inbox, or on Facebook, please make sure to leave me a comment on my blog to play along for the giveaway!}


  1. Thanks for the chance of winning! Overhere in Holland we don't celebrate Halloween like you do. It is getting more popular every year and we can buy "scary things" in the shops now but there is no trick or treat and children visiting our houses. Perhaps in a few more years it is here to stay just like Valentine :-))
    Have a great Halloween party!! Hugs, Marianne MW from

  2. Thanks for the giveaway chance Rose - this set looks so versatile!
    We don't celebrate Halloween in our house... it's not such a tradition here in the UK, but I love to celebrate autumn, and all the yummy seasonal cooking that goes with it!!
    ruth_spolton at yahoo dot co dot uk

  3. Hello Rose,
    As Marianne wrote, Halloween is not that populair here in The Netherlands. But I think that Halloween isn't a thing I would celebrate anyway.
    But I like pumpkins, especially pumpkin-soup, hmmm (-;
    Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful stamp set.
    Have a great evening,
    greetings Judith

  4. OMG...what a cute stamp! Thx for the chance to win, good luck every one! XX Olga

  5. oohh what a beautiful stampsey. I love SU. Thx for the give a way.
    In Belgium Halloween is not so in!
    I love it and make cards and making pumpkinsoup.
    xxx chantal

  6. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win!!! Our Halloween tradition at my house is to make cupcakes that looks like candy corn! Sso much fun to make.


  7. Hi Rose first thank you for all you share on your blog. You are such an artist. Halloween is my favorite time-I enjoy decorating and seeing all the cute costumes on such adorable children. I love their smiles. I remember as a child my sister would take me "Trick or Treating" she was so nice to help me enjoy this time. Have a Happy Halloween and would love to see pictures of your day. Raquel

  8. Oh my goodness, when I clicked on your blog to leave a comment Frank Sinatra was singing (The Way You Look Tonight) I love that type of music. I grew up in the psychedelic
    era but, I loved this style of music.Made me smile. My favorite Halloween memory was when I was in the 3rd grade. I was in the hospital that day having my tonsils taken out so, no Trick or Treating for me. Much to my surprise after I got home a few days later I found out that my little sister (we didn't always get along) had gone Trick or Treating and told everyone that was giving out candy that, they had to give her 2 pieces of candy cause her sister was in the hospital and couldn't go out to Trick or Treat. Of course they gave it to her. So it turned out to be a good Halloween after all, thanks to my little sister.
    Thank you for the chance to win that adorable stamp set.

  9. Hello Rose,

    I have enjoyed your blog so much! I really love Stampin Up and your designs are awesome!

    Have an awesome fall!

  10. Lovely candy Rose, Halloween is not as big in Australia. Hope Denver enjoys his first one.
    Rene from OZ xo
    reneden at tpg dot com dot au

  11. Thank you for offering a monthly giveaway! I enjoy reading your blog.
    I don't have any favorite memories of Halloween because when I was a kid we didn't really celebrate it.
    Hope your son enjoys his 1st Halloween!
    hillaryst at hotmail dot com

  12. Debbie G
    Thanks for a chance to win.Halloween is a big event in Michigan (USA) My favorite things of Halloween is Trick or Treating with my Grandkids and to see how much fun they have. I love seeing all the neighbors Halloween decorations.

  13. Thanks for the chance to win. Every year my parents would host a Halloween party, so every year was such great fun! Thanks!

  14. You will love your son's first Halloween ! It is so much fun and will be a very special memory for you!! Thanks for sharing your great talent on your blog. It's always a fun place to visit !!
    Cindy Henry
    cindy at henrytime dot com

  15. This is a great blog set! My favorite part of Halloween is seeing all the young children dressed up. They are so darn cute!!
    Thank you for sharing your crafting talent. I always enjoy viewing your blog.
    myturn4fun at gmail dot com

  16. Rose, Thanks for sharing your talent with all of is so inspirational. My favorite thing about Halloween has always been making the costumes for my kids and then seeing their faces light up when they put them on.

  17. Love this stamp set ~ the flower-filled vase and coffee cups would fill a definite void in my stamping arsenal. Always remember trick or treating door-to-door with friends in my small hometown where we knew everyone so it was safe. Kids can't do that now without parents tagging along. Love Fall and seeing what kids are dressed as now. Sometimes it's hard to figure them out. Thanks for the chance to win your FF giveaway!

  18. Have fun with Denver and his "firsts". It has been 13 years since my eldest's Halloween was a first!
    Thanks for the chance! :0)

  19. I don´t celebrate Halloween... it's not part of our traditional holidays in my country :)
    My favorite holiday is Christmas and is just around the corner!!!
    Thanks for the chance with this giveaway.


    Thanks for the chance of winning!

  21. this looks like a versatile set, thanks for the opportunity to win,Eileen

  22. Hi Rose!
    Thanks for the chance to win this beauty!This can be a wonderful gift for my birthday - October 25 :)
    In my country does not celebrate Halloween, but I like it very much. I love monsters, I send cards to my friends in other countries.My dream is to one day get to a real Helloween!
    Thank you,Rose!

  23. Hi Rose, we don't have a Halloween tradition in Belgium. We only have pumpkins as decoration, but no 'trick or treat' or scary clothing. Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings, Annelies

  24. My happiest Halloween memories are of trick or treating in our very rural community when I was a little girl. We drove from home to home, and only went to 10 or 12 places, just relatives and close friends. But each home offered a different homemade treat: popcorn balls, carameled apples, hot apple cider, cupcake....the list goes on. It was almost like a progressive dinner! Everyone looked forward to us coming, and we usually went in to visit for a while.

    alicia dot graham at comcast dot net

  25. here in Germany we don't celebrate Halloween. It's a pity because I like spook and to make Halloween projects.

    hugs Regina

  26. Thanks for the chance to win. I just found you blog and love it. Some many wonderful ideas.
    rainbowdar at aol dot com

  27. Thanks for the chance at winning the stamp set, one that I don't have yet. My memories of Halloween were my older cousin and husband taking my brothers and I trick or treating to neighboring farms and them trying to guess who we were. We would park down the road and walk to their house so they couldn't recognize the car.
    Can't wait to see the pictures of Denver's first Halloween.


  28. Какая вкусняшка! С удовольствием поучаствую!

  29. Halloween is FUN!
    We especially enjoy the challenge to make the jack-o-lantern matches dd's Halloween costume. I suggested Emerald City to go with her Dorothy costume this year, but my DH has a different idea, so we will see : )

    Lauren Y.

  30. As Regina said, Halloween is not celebrated in Germany. Well, some supermarkets have offers of special candy and you can buy some skelettons or so, but nothing real scary. In some clubs, there are halloween parties where people dress up and a year ago some kids tried trick or treat at my door but I wasn't prepared.
    On one hand I think this is a pity as I love scary things and the good old horror movies, but on the other hand I think that halloween is an American holiday which is only adapted for commercial reasons without people understanding. But it's so much fun.
    In southern Germany you can find some real scary traditions around New Years Eve and Fasnacht, where people dressed like devils and demons march through the villages. That really creeped me out when I was a little kid.

  31. Hi Rose! Glad to be here and I am your new follower. Halloween is not a popular event in the Philippines, houses don't decorate or have trick/treats, but we have them in my company, we decorate our department and have 1 person to be in costume and employee children come visit each dept for trick/treat.


  32. oohh what a beautiful stampsey.

  33. The stamps are wonderfull! I'm glad to get a chance to win them! Greetings from Poland

  34. ciao rose quanto tempo è passato e quante novità sul tuo blog, con piacere partecipo anche se so che la fortuna non bussa mai 2 volte
    un caro saluto rosa.kreattiva

  35. I'm not a big fan of Halloween but this will be my grandson's 1st real Halloween this year so I'm kind of excited about it! He is 1 1/2 years old and will be in a little solder's costume. His dad is about to deploy to Afghanistan and everytime he sees camo he says "da-da"! Thanks for the chance to win blog candy and I enjoy looking at your lovely work.

  36. I do not celebrate Halloween, because I am christian...

  37. oh sorry! I've forgotten to leave my blog adress:

  38. I love love love the cheeriness of your blog! The giveaway is so cute so many options with this set! My favorite Halloween was when my little boy , who is in a wheelchair , went as Rolie Polie Olie and my husband made his chair like Rolie and Billy's rocket ship it was so neat because Jacob felt just like the other kids !
    Keep up the beautiful work and thank you for sharing !

  39. I can't wait to stamp again. I started working on my XMas cards. Hope all is well with you and the family!


Yay! I love comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me one.