
Friday, September 24, 2010

announcing - {this month's} Final Friday Winner!

Hi there blog friends!  Happy Friday!  I've been experimenting with creating digital images on MDS, so I decided to create a badge for my Final Friday Winners.  I found that these are so fun to make!  I created a September Winner badge, so this month's lucky winner will have the option to post this on your blog, if you choose too, of course!  I don't want to leave any of my past blog candy winners out, so for those of you that have won previously, you can post your choice of one of the badges below onto your sidebar :)  Simply right click on your mouse, and "Save Picture As" so you have it on your computer.  Then to post on your sidebar, add it as a picture and you're good to go!
..So, how about we find out who this month's Final Friday Winner is...are you ready?  This month's lucky winner is...
Lucky number 3, who happens to be Regina Mangum!
Congrats, Regina!!!

Thanks to all of you who played along this month!  I had fun reading your comments and I do appreciate those of you that had given me some book recommendations.  Will definitely look into those!  As for my current book club books, I'm currently reading Major Pettigrew's Last Stand for one of them and for the other I'll be reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.  I'll let you guys know how they are!

Have a great day!


  1. SO FABULOUS, Rose! Thanks so much. I'm thrilled. Thanks for sharing, by the way, what you are reading. I've been meaning to read that one...The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo was very good (a bit gruesome) and the movie was pretty good, too! I'll email you my address and THANK YOU!

  2. super cute tags! hope you have a great friday and weekend, rose! *hugs* steph :)

  3. Congrats Regina! Enjoy your candy!!

    Rose, thank you for having the candy!
    The Winner badge is a fantastic idea!

    sending greetings Regina


Yay! I love comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me one.