
Friday, April 30, 2010

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Hi Blog Peeps!! Sorry for being so quiet on the blog front this week.  It has been super hectic for me, so sadly, I haven't had time to post.  However, it is that time to announce the winner of April's Final Friday giveaway!!!  Are you ready to find out?  I read a lot of interesting responses to my question about going back anywhere in time and it sounds like I've got mixed responses.  Some want to go back to simpler times, or historically significant times.  Others didn't want to be anywhere but the current day.  Still others wanted to revisit times with loved ones.  It was great to find out what you guys thought!  Now, as far as my own thoughts, I think I would love to relive my wedding day too - perhaps as an observer so I could watch the events as they unfolded.  That would be an awesome experience.

Well, let's find out who the lucky winner is, shall we?  This month's lucky winner is....
Lucky number 36!  And this happens to be an international visitor - Moka, from Italy!  Here's what she had to say:
I'm sure you all understood that, right?  Well, thankfully, translation tools have come a long way.  Here's what Moka had to say (I think you guys will get the gist):

Thanks so much for playing this month!  Stay tuned for May's Freebie..I'll be posting that next week!

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