
Thursday, April 8, 2010

April Final Friday Giveaway

Hi all!  I bet you were wondering when I'd post my Final Friday Giveaway!  Well, I really had intended to post it sooner, but time just got away from me.  It's been a crazy and hectic work week!  Anyway, I finally got a chance to get it together.  So here it is:
The lucky winner will get the Forever stamp and these pretty 6x6 DSP's from the Walk In The Park paper pack.  You'll get 4 sheets each of 6 double sided prints in the following designs (24 6x6 sheets total):
Aren't these fun?  I think you'll enjoy these spring time papers!  Are you ready to play?  Here are the rules {only enforced by the "Honor System"}:
1. Leave me a comment on this post by midnight Pacific Time, Wed, April 28th, 2010.

2. On your comment, please make sure to include a valid email address or a blog URL (where I can leave a comment or have a way of contacting you). For those of you that are uncomfortable with leaving an email in a post, you can write your info like this: yourname at emailaccount dot com.
3. One comment per person please. :)
4. Anyone can play - international visitors welcome!
You can leave me a comment about anything, or you can answer this question: If you could go back in time to whatever era and location, when and where would that be?  This is an interesting question I heard on the radio and it was good food for thought.  I actually have to think about my own answer on this.  I look forward to reading your comments!

The lucky winner will be announced on my blog on Friday, April 30th!

Thanks for visiting!  Good luck playing!


  1. your presentation is so beautiful Rosemarie
    Love your blog! and how you display with a frog!
    if i could go back in time it would be to when those papers were current!

  2. Awesome giveaway! Read your blog every day on Googlereader...really enjoyed seeing your post about the purse you made, so cute!

  3. Been following your blog via google reader for awhile. Thanks for inspiring projects and a chance to win such beautiful papers.

    If I could go back in time where would I go? Hmmm, that is an interesting question. I really like where I am today but perhaps back to a simpler time with less technology. Not because I don't love my internet, blogs, google reader etc but I love how families spent more time together.

    My blog is

  4. Wahoo!! Love that paper. I check your blog everyday. I just love everything that you do and make.

  5. Good morning Rose!

    If I had to go back in time, it would be when I was pregnant with my first son. It was the happiest time in my life (after the morning sickness 24/7 in the first 6 months, LOL)

    I love the questions you ask. It made me smile to remember the excitement I felt waiting for him to arrive:)

    Happy Friday!

  6. Love your blog! Naturally if we could go back in time, we go for the times when things seemed simpler or fun times we miss! Thanks for the chance to win the gorgeous DSP, I miss it!

  7. I love your blog and that paper. Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!

  8. Thanks so much for all the beautiful things you share!
    If I could go back in time, I would to back, just for a few days, to the WW2 era. I am fascinated by everything that was happening around the world at that time, and even though I wouldn't have wanted to live back then, I would love to experience it for a short time! Have a great weekend! Alicia

  9. Thank you for your blog and the food for thought. I'd like to go back to before cell phones. Mine overwhelms my life sometimes....and before tv reality shows!
    ;) barb

  10. Hi Rosemarie,
    If I could go back in time to any era it would be either Edwardian (but I would have to be rich... otherwise forget it!) or the 50's as technology was just begining to alter our culture and it was a really simple time.

    Love the give-a-way! You are so awesome! Thanks for the opportunity.

  11. that paper is so pretty!
    thanks for the chance to win!

  12. Hi Rosemarie, I love your blog. I hope to see you next Saturday at Michelle's meeting and get one of your MARVELOUS cards for a swap. Thanks for all of the inspiration and the great techniques!

    Claudia Lapos

  13. Yummy giveaway!
    Lord.....I need a few days to think about that question!! LOL

  14. Your awash with flowers card is really neat. Simple and totally a demonstratable. And the blog giveaway is yummy.
    I like to look forward to the future and not looking back. It motivates me to do things differently and better.
    ctcao at earthlink dot com

  15. Thanks so much for the chance to win some really great items. I don't think that there would be an era I would want to go to. I would like to back to the time my daughter was born. I was able to spend lots of time with my mother before she passed away. I really treasured that time we had together.
    Elsa L

    elsastamps4u at yahoo dot com

  16. Hi Rosemarie, congrats on your win over at 2S4Y....awesome card and the flower is adorable. Glad I've found your beautiful blog. Have a happy day! xL

  17. Hi Rose,

    You have some great new stuff on your blog...I haven't visited for a while.

    :) Aimee

  18. love looking/droooooooling over your blog!! very inspiring :)

  19. wow... what a lovely giveaway :)
    If I could go back in time... hmmmm, I want to go back to 1960s.... I wasn't born yet but those seem to be simpler & happier times... :)

  20. Love this DSP you are giving away. Thank you for the chance to win.

    Your work really inspires me.

    Thank you so much for the chance to take part!!!

    Greetings from Russia,

  22. Your work is beautiful! If I could go back in time....hmmm... maybe to Adam and Eve, and tell her to JUST WALK AWAY!!! :)

  23. Rose,
    Great DSP!
    Wow, what a question... I am stumped for an answer. +:-/
    I loved reading these answers though! Too funny Roxanne24 :)
    Thank you for the chance to win!
    Take care!

  24. Hello Rose,
    I really like your blog, you inspire me with your cards.
    I'd go back in time when my grandfather still was alive and I would show him our daugther. He was very ill for 3 weeks and died suddenly. We were able to tell him that we were expecting a baby-girl. And he said to me that it was time for him to go to God and to make place for the new life that was coming..
    We named our daugther after him..
    He was a great man, but I know he's in a better place now!
    Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful giveaway!!

    Greetings Alie

  25. I am a follower also and added a link to the sidebar
    Thank you so much for the chance to take part!!!
    I really like where I am today )
    Greetings from Russia

  26. Love your blog and all the inspiration! If I could go back in time, I think I would want to go back to the time of Christ (well at least to visit! not sure I could survive living in that period!)

  27. Thanks for the chance to win. The message on my blog on the left side. I cordially greet from Poland.

  28. I have been following your blog for a while now. When I first went on I couldn't figure out how the music was playing. Now I am hooked. I listen to your play list while I stamp. Needless to say your cards are amazing!!

    Sharon Comer

  29. Rose:

    You're work is always beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    I think I would love to go back to the Victoria era. Much slower paced - more time for crafts!! : )

  30. hi rose!
    i just love your blog! beautiful cards!
    if i were to go back in time, it would be in the victorian era or something like that. i would love to see all the stuff we call vintage in person. hehe. their style was just so gorgeous and delicate. thanks for the chance and have a wonderful nite!
    *hugs* steph

  31. Hi Rose I am an International visitor. The cards you make are an inspiration to me.
    Thanks rosemarysblogspot.

  32. WOW!!! This is really some wonderful candy.. Thanks for a chance to win..
    saluti dall'italia public in slidebar on
    Hugs, rosa
    i am old follower
    mi piacerebbe vivere all'età vittoriana ;-)

  33. Hi Rose!
    Your candy's soooo sweet!!! I wish again to try to win (suddenly will carry :) Thanks for the chance to win it! Linked it on my sidebar.
    Thanks and welcome to my blog...

  34. thanks for sharing all your great ideas! If I could go back in time, I would either want to visit Colonial America or 1920s.

  35. It's a beautiful gift! Thanks for sharing it! If I could go back in time I would go back to the future! Just a little sneakpeak and then go on with my life! Cherish yesterday, dream tomorrow, but live today! Have a nice weekend!

  36. Che bello, tento anch'io la fortuna, il tuo candy a proprio gola! Trovi il link nella colonna sinistra del mio blog. Ciao! Moka
    P.s: se potessi tornare indietro nel tempo andrei a quando mio nonno era ancora vivo, ed a conoscere gli altri 2 che non ho mai conosciuto...oppure rivivrei il giorno del mio matrimonio, 4 anni e mezzo fa!

  37. I love the tissue paper flowers. Wi;; try them soon. Thanks for the blog candy.


  38. Love your flowers, they are so pretty.
    You always have such great ideas!

  39. your creation are so beautiful!
    And I love your paper choser for the giveaway ^^, thank you for the chance!
    If I I could go back in time I would like to go in ancient Greek... I love it!
    Ciao from Italy XD

    my mail is

  40. Hi, Rose! This is a lovely giveaway and the question quite intriguing. I think I'd love to live somewhere in the 1800 in Paris. I just love the feeling of that era.
    Have a nice weekend!
    dikatzen at yahoo dot fr

  41. I don't think I'd want to go back in time because where I am is good! Thanks for always posting cool stuff. I love the purse you made! jilla at yahoo dot com

  42. Great giveaway! Please count me in!

  43. Thank you! Super candy!

  44. Thanks for chance to win! The link is on my sidebar:

    Well, I don't want to go to past, I love comfort too much. Some ages may be attractive, but only at first glance. But of course it's very curious what was indeed with Athlantida or King Arthur...

  45. Rose,

    You're always so generous. I just love your blog and your style.

  46. Hi Rose,
    what an awesome Candy.
    If I could chose a different time to live I would maybe choose to be born in the sixties and go back there.
    Hugs Sandra

  47. I think if I could, I would revisit my childhood -in the summertime - when life was more care-free. I like how your peony flower turned out.

  48. hello, Rose
    enjoy your blog through Google Reader every day but I'm a bad commenter, sorry

    I have really enjoyed your projects this past week and your peony flower is amazing!
    Thanks for another wonderful tutorial!

    Greetings Regina*

  49. I just happened onto your blog. I love it! I will be back--you do beautiful work...

    ~Wendy Hawkinson

  50. Hola ... just found your site and have added it to my favorites ... I'll be back ... you ROCK!


Yay! I love comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me one.