
Friday, January 29, 2010

January Final Friday Winner Announcement!

Hi all! Happy Friday! Can you beleive we're already at the end of our first month in 2010? Time sure does feel like it's flying! Well, let's announce the winner of the first Final Friday giveaway, shall we?

I was very excited to see that there were 59 comments! Thanks so much for leaving me some love and sharing some kind words :) The lucky winner for the January Final Friday Giveaway is.. lucky number 16 who happens to be Wanda G! Congratulations Wanda!!! Here's what she had to say:
Thank you all for playing! Another thing I really appreciate is everyone complying with the rules about leaving an email or valid URL that I can reach you at. It makes contacting the winners much easier for me! Wanda - I'll be sending you an email soon!

Have a great day, all!


  1. This is a first, first time ever to win blog candy. Thanks for your generosity! Check your blog every day, you are an inspiration.


Yay! I love comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me one.