
Friday, November 20, 2009

Yay - it's Friday! And it's time for a Freebie!

Hi all! How was your week?! I don't know how it happens, but lately, time just seems to find ways to go faster and faster! Except, of course, when I'm on the freeway. I've been on the road quite a bit this week {literally - on the 405, for you Southern CA locals} and for whatever reason, traffic has been absolutely horrendous! Thankfully, the weekend is almost here! But even more importantly, it's a Freebie Friday! I was trying to figure out what to do this week, and what I ended up doing was a quick little ornament that was inspired by many I've seen on the Splitcoaststamper's website. Here's my version, and this week's giveaway! It's quick and easy, and uses strips of paper, a hatpin and a few embellishments from the Pretties Kit! Hope you like it! (I'll share directions this weekend, when I have a bit more time to put it all together!)

Are you ready to play? All you need to do is leave me a comment with your email address or blog URL (enough info for me to contact you!) by November 22nd, Sunday at noon, Pacific Time. You can comment on anything or you can tell me about something you are thankful for this year. I would love to hear about it. I, personally, am so thankful to you all for keeping me inspired and motivated to keep on creating. I am also so thankful for my dear hubby, my wonderful family, and great friends - old and new. And, of course, my new job ;) Looking back on 2009, I'd say it's been filled with mixed blessings and surprises. And, I am very grateful for it all.

Oh, I also wanted to give a quick shout to my last 2 Freebie Friday winners...I want to apologize to you both for my super tardy delivery of your goodies...I haven't forgotten about you. Let's just say it's been a challenge to get to the Post Office. I will get your goodies to you soon! Thanks for understanding :)

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! Bye for now!


  1. Greetings from Colorado and what a darling ornament!


  2. Rose - this is a great craft idea! It would also be a fun way to "upcycle" paper scraps - turn those little bits into a beautiful (and maybe even eclectic) ornament. And you really never see hat pins used for anything, so that is very unique. :)

  3. Oh yes - I had to tell you: Today Greta said, "I go to Michael & Rose's house. We give them all of the cookies." hahaha!!!!

  4. What a cute idea! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Rose,
    What a cute little ornament!
    I am very thankful for my family; I feel very blessed! I am also very thankful that I found you and your blog! You are such an inspiration!
    Thank you for the chance to win!
    Take care!

  6. I like the way you did your ornament with two Christmas balls and the jewels on the bottom. I had only seen the single ball before.


Yay! I love comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me one.