
Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Freebie Friday the 13th!

Hello blog peeps! Hope you all had a good week. Me? I've been a busy girl still adjusting to my new schedule. Boy, has it been a busy one! {I didn't even realize it was a Friday the 13th until I heard it on the news this morning!!}So, sorry for the lack of posting this week. One great development this week is that I've found a carpool buddy, so that does help with the commute factor by a LOT. Once things get settled down, I'll try to post more often. For now, let's get on with this week's Freebie Friday, shall we? Here's a full view: It's a 2 Tag Treat holder! This idea was shared by a fellow demonstrator and I thought it was just too cute! This week's winner will get this Treat Holder and a kit to make 3 more (kit includes 6 tags, ribbon, 6 buttons, twine, 3 cello bags, 3snowflake punched images). The treat holder is made from the 2 Tags Bigz die and actually uses 2 of the wider tags on the die. Super easy peasy! Very simple to assemble - just crease the 2 tags, and adhere the bottom flaps together with Sticky Strip to create the base. Then, weave the ribbon through the pre-punched hole at the top of the tag, tie it off with a button and twine, and the holder is assembled! All you need to do is put the treat in, {you'll get the treat in the sample, and you can supply the remaining 3 ;) }
Here's the side view of the Treat Holder - it's got 2 Snickers for you!

Are you ready to play? All you need to do is leave me a comment with your email address or blog URL (enough info for me to contact you!) by November 15th, Sunday at noon, Pacific Time. You can comment on anything or you can tell me about any Thanksgiving traditions you have. Looking forward to reading your comments and finding out more about you!

Thanks for stopping by!! Have a great day! Bye for now.


  1. What a cute idea! I would have never thought of that. Thanks for sharing and I hope I win this time!!!

  2. How cute! You are giving me such inspiration for my holiday gifts!
    My tradition for Thanksgiving is watching the parade with my husband and daughters while the turkey cooks.

  3. Rose,
    What a cute idea!
    My hubby loves cooking the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and corn on Thanksgiving day. We, of course, watch the football games, but we are also starting some new traditions; playing board games and card games with our kids. :) For the rest of the weekend, we are usually traveling to visit our families.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what other traditions people have for Thanksgiving!
    Thank you for the chance to win!
    Take care!

  4. love it!
    you really share so much with all of us that you are a blessing to us all!

  5. So cute! So glad you have a carpool buddy now, makes the ride so much easier! Well something we do every Thanksgiving,is fry a turkey! I know that sounds so Texas, but you have to try it, you will never eat an oven cooked one again! :)

  6. Hi Rose , Just a quick post as I'm out the door to mark items for our church yard sale tomorrow. Another cute project and I have this tag die. I can see these hanging from my Christmas tree.

    Sherry Conrad

  7. What a cute little treat holder. It is something my girl scout troop could make for our girl scout only Christmas Craft Fair!

    Our tradition is going to the movies on Thanksgiving Day with lots of family members!

    Have a great day!
    Robin Larson

  8. What a BRILLIANT idea!! I love it!!

  9. Totally adorble project!

    Thanksgiving...mainly piggin' out! :) Think I'll wear tight jeans so I don't eat so much this year. ;)

  10. This is so clever and cute!! I am excited for Thanksgiving because all of our children will be home, which includes 3 darling grandchildren who all live out of state!!
    have a great weekend,

  11. We are in a new house in a new while we have our traditions, we may start some new ones! Thanks for sharing your creations!

  12. really cute! thanks!

    fellsmeresun at bellsouth dot net

  13. The treat bag is so CUTE!!!! You are so creative! Thanks so much for sharing!

  14. Very cute! How do you come up with such inspiration and ideas?

    One of the Thanksgiving tradition is going shopping very early on Friday morning...after we all pig out all day on Thursday. Looking forward to it this year.

  15. Too cute!!!
    When my hubby and I got married our respective Mom's gave us fits about splitting the holidays between them, so... I go to my Mom's and he goes to his Mom's for Thanksgving dinner. Strange but it works for us!!!

  16. This is wonderful!
    I have missed so many deadline for your freebie Friday, glad to make it on the 13th! : )

    Lauren Y.

  17. Rose,
    Your blog always lightens my heart. I could sit here for hours ... of course the four kids tugging at me from all directions says otherwise! LOL I have spent a lot of time reflecting on how specical my children are and how truly blessed I am. I have begun a tradition that at the dinner table we go around the table and everyone has to share one good thing about their day. It really opens the doors of communication. Thank you for your continued inspiration!

  18. Another great treat idea with this die! Now I have to add it to my endless wish list! Thanksgiving is spent at my in-laws with everyone bringing 'their' special dish. Food, family and football make up the day. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Such a cute box!!
    Our thanksgiving tradition is meeting all my brothers & sisters & their families at my brother, Joe's house...and making the mashed potatoes for everyone. :)

  20. Love this!
    We love watching the parade and having an early dinner. My mom makes egg nog, so much better then what you buy in the store so I always look forward to that!

  21. Thank you for sharing your creative work! I love your little treat holder w/ the 2 Tags die! Your work is always an inspiration to me!
    Becky K
    stampinbliss at gmail dot com

  22. Love your treat holder fronm the tag clever!!!!

    One of Thanksgiving traditions is for the girls in the family to sit down after dinner and make some kind of Christmas craft, generally something simple and fun, just like these treat holdrs!!!

  23. This is so adorable, great idea for a Christmas party favor.

  24. Hi Rose,
    I made these for the girls in my 3 clubs. So quick to put together. Turned out really cute. Used the red polka-dot ribbon and gold twine through white buttons in latte set. Love it. Thanks for such a cute idea.


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