
Monday, October 19, 2009

Freebie Friday Winner Time!

Morning all! Ready to start another week? I got a good night's sleep yesterday, so I'm feeling energized today and am even going to get my run on after I write this post. I'm excited about that, because I've been neglecting my running and am really starting to feel the lack of exercise. It's a nice and brisk morning here, which is my favorite kind of weather to run in. So, let's get to our lucky Freebie Friday winner, shall we? This week, the winner of the Jack-o-lantern Freebie is.. Lucky number 7, who is Nicole Black! Congrats, Nicole! Thank you all for playing in another week of Freebie Friday.

I'll be back later with more to share. In the meantime, I hope you have a fantastic day!

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