
Monday, October 26, 2009

Freebie Friday Winner announcement!

Morning all and Happy Monday to you! Hope you guys had a great weekend. We had a great time here, and as always, it felt like it was too short. As they say, time flies when you're having fun {ain't that the truth!}.

Let's get going and kick off the week with the winner of the Favorite Things Notebook. Ready? The winner is.... Lucky number 1, who is... ~amy~!!! Congrats, Amy! I'll drop you a note so you can send me your info. Thanks all for playing another week. Come back on Friday for another round! In the meantime, hope you have a fantastic day :)

Bye for now!


  1. woooooo hoooooooo...I totally lucked out...seriously, I was #1...who wins when they are the first poster? me :)

    Thanks sooo much Rose...I love your notebook and can't wait to use it!!!!

  2. Super Congrats Amy!!!

    Char in So Cal


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