
Friday, October 23, 2009

Freebie Friday Favorite Notebook Giveaway

Happy Friday to you all! Did this week just whiz by for you like it did for me? It's been busy busy busy all week long for me, so I'm glad the weekend is almost here to take a quick breath and relax a bit. WooHoo! So, are you ready for this week's Freebie Friday giveaway? I'm back on my notebook kick - this week, it's a Favorite Things notebook {coincidently, the stamp I used is from the Favorite Things set}. These really are so much fun to make! Can you tell I also am in love with using buttons? I used the Sweet Always DSP, which is retired, but I loved the paper so much that I hoarded a bunch when it was available. It's such a fun color scheme. I used the Scallops #2 die to create the flower, and the Pennant die to create the scallop center. Not sure if you can tell in the picture, but I did emboss the flower with the Small Dots Texturz plates. For the finishing touches, I added a few buttons from my PTI stash. Love them! For the inside of my notebook, I covered the top strip of my notepad with the DSP and Regal Rose cardstock. So, how do you like it? I hope you do!

Ready to play? All you need to do is leave me a comment with either your email address or blog URL {essentially, leave me enough info to contact you} on this post by midnight Pacific Time on Sunday, October 25th. You can leave me a comment about anything, or you can tell me what your favorite subject was in school. My favorite was math for the most part, then I have to say I enjoyed the sciences in high school and college. I admit, I was quite the nerd! So, now it's your turn to share with me. Look forward to reading your comments!

I'll announce the winner on my blog on Monday, so make sure to stop by then to see if you won! Thanks for stopping by and visiting. Have a great day!


  1. such a SWEET project the colors and the scallops!!!

    happy friday!

  2. I love the colors you used on the folder. The paper is super cute.
    In school my favorite subject was English. I had one of the best teachers....Mr. Bishop.

  3. I was just talking to my husband and kids the other day about favorite subjects in school! I really didn't like school very much! Ok, I LOVED sports and I really like Home Ec. Maybe I was meant to be a sports mom, that cooks, cleans, sews, and crafts! I really LOVE my life! :)
    Cute Notebook too! :)

  4. Hi Rose...

    Love this one!

    Ummmmmmmmm... favoraite subject in school... band - in college any ASL/Deaf Studies classes...


  5. Super cute notebook as always, Rose! Have a relaxing weekend!

  6. Adorable notebook!
    I didn't like school very much as a kid. I've been homeschooling my kids for the past 13 years, and history is now my favorite subject.

  7. I love this notebook! Lists and notebooks are my favorite. I think my favorite subject was English.

  8. I love buttons, too! They are just so charming and whimsical. Can the cover be re-used by replacing the notebook once it's used?
    My fav subject was probably Drama, but that isn't exactly a "core" subject. Otherwise, I'd have to go with English and/or Spanish.
    Have a great weekend!

  9. A super folder. I love just about all the DSP from SU!
    English/reading was my favorite subject.

    Thanks for a chance to win, have a fun weekend!

  10. How fun and sweet of you. This looks like a fun project to do. This is super cute.

  11. What a fun creation. I have yet to try these kinds of projects.

    History was my FAVE subject :0)

    Thanks so much for the op to win another one of your YUMMIES!!

    Rubber Hugs,

    Char in So Cal
    {scrampaddict} {at} {cox} {dot} {net}

  12. Hi Rose,

    Another cute project. I liked the class that worked on our yearbook. Thanks for the cute notebook

    Sherry Conrad

  13. Adorable notebook. What a fun idea. Have a great weekend!!

    Karen :0)

  14. This is a great gift idea. I may have to copy it :-)

  15. Wonderful project! How exciting for a chance to win! I loved spelling, grammar, and phonics. Therefore, those have also been my favorite subjects to teach.

  16. Rose,
    Cute notebook!
    English in high school. Human anatomy and biomechanics in college.

  17. Rose,
    I love the notebook! My favorite subject in school was math.


Yay! I love comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me one.