
Monday, September 28, 2009

It's about time for the Freebie Friday winner!

Hi all! How are you doing? You didn't think I forgot about the Freebie Friday winner, did ya? Well, it's just been a busy day is all. Trying to catch up after a weekend of being away. Do you every get that feeling of wishing you had some extra time (a day or 2, perhaps) to recoup from vacation? Yeah - that's what I'm feeling right about now - even though it was just a quick weekend getaway! :) But life must go on, and back into reality we all go, right? So without further adieu...Are you ready to find out who the winner is?

The lucky winner of the notebook is... Lucky number 8, who's comment was posted as Johan (signed Debra). CONGRATS, Debra! Here's her comment:
So, Debra - please send me an email with your addy so I can send you your blog candy! Thanks to everyone that played! From the comments, it sounds like Christmas festivities start right after Halloween for some and Thanksgiving for others. I'm probably a hybrid. I think I start thinking about Christmas stuff a week or 2 before Thanksgiving. I always have the intention of having my Christmas cards done and mailed out the week after Thanksgiving, but I think that's only happened once :) I'll give it another try this year...maybe I will get it together by then!

Thanks for stopping by :) Have a great one!

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