
Monday, July 13, 2009

Freebie Friday 27 Winner!

Good morning all! Hope you had a nice weekend. We had beautiful weather here, so we got some quality beach time! It was pretty crowded, since this was the first nice, warm and sunny weekend for us on the coast :)

Are you ready to find out who the Freebie Friday winner is? First, let me say that it was fun hearing about your favorite places. I was talking to my hubby about favorite places, and before I told him my favorite places, he told me his 3 and they were the same ones as mine! I don't have a special order for these 3 places, but I loved my visits to each one, and I couldn't really pick just one.
{My Fave Places}:
* Cinque Terre, Italy
* Seville, Spain
* Kauai

Ok - so let's get to this week's winner. The winner is:
Comment #10, who is jmniffer. Congratulations! Please email me your info so I can send you your goodie. Thanks all for playing another week of Freebie Friday and letting me get a chance to find out more about you!

Have a great day and I'll catch you all later!

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