
Monday, June 8, 2009

New week, new Freebie Friday winner!

Hello there! Hope you had a nice weekend. It was surprisingly nice this weekend in Southern CA, considering the forecast from Friday indicated that it was going to be cold with a chance of thundershowers! It was actually SOOO pretty this weekend! Crisp and clear, in the upper 60's/low 70's. The picture above was taken yesterday from the South Bay looking north towards Santa Monica and Malibu. We had some friends from Northern CA visiting us for the weekend, so the nice weather just added to the fun filled weekend we had with them. Dinner on Friday, BBQ with friends on Sat, and a fun leisurely brunch on Sunday topped off with a nice stroll along the beach and a quick stop at our Town Fair. All in all, a great weekend for us!

Are you ready to find out the winner for the Freebie Friday giveaway? The winner will receive this Gift Card Holder and a $5 giftcard to Starbuck's! Sidenote: The buttons on the gift card envelope were made from scraps of cardstock that I've been trying to use up! I've found that these buttons are a GREAT way to use up lots of little pieces of scrap that you have laying around...and they make for a colorful button collection! Okay - back to the drawing...I used the random integer generator to pick this week's winner. And the winner is:Lucky number 9, who happens to be be Robyn Mahle! Congrats, Robyn! And thanks all for playing in another round of Freebie Friday. I can't believe that we're almost mid way through the year already!

Hope you all have a great week. Thanks for stopping in - Bye for now!

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