
Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Freebie Friday 23!

Hello and Happy Friday! I've got a sneak peek giveaway for you today:
Aren't these new In Colors fun? This little color sampler giveaway comes with a sample tag of each of the following:
*the textured cardstock
*the stamp pads
*the markers
all topped off with the polka dotted grosgrain ribbon in each color. How's that for a little giveaway to get you psyched up for the new catalog coming in July? If you're wondering where I got the cute little pre-printed in color swatch tags, I got them here at Anne Beale Yancy's blog! What a great tool, don't you think?

To play for this week's Freebie Friday, please leave me a comment on this post with your email address or blog url (basically, enough information so I can contact you) by Midnight Saturday, June 13th. The winner will be announced on Monday's blog post, so you can check back then. I'll actually be drawing 2 winners because I haven't heard back from last week's Freebie Friday winner. (So, Robyn, if you're out there, email me back please!)

You can leave me a comment about anything or you can answer the following question: What is the last (or current) book you've read or are reading? I'm in a book club, so right now, the book I'm reading is Pillars of the Earth, I'm not that far into it yet, but from what I've read so far, it's been really good! I'd love to get some suggestions for summer reading since I'll be going on vacation next month and would love to bring a book or 2. Look forward to your comments! Have a great Friday!


  1. Those color samplers are so cool!

    I'm currently reading the Harry Bosch Detective series. My husband ,a detective, got me hooked.

    I read Pillars of the Earth several months ago. Awesome book!!

  2. Very cool sampler.

    The last book I read was "Family First" by Dr. Phil and the Twilight series before that. I need something new to my IB&C! :)

  3. Hi! So cool! I'm at the very end of In Praise of Stay At Home Moms by Dr. Laura! Awesome book! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  4. Hi Rose,

    These samplers are very cute!! I have to admit I read the Twilight series, but prior to that I read Measure of a man by Sidney Poitier and it was wonderful!!!!


  5. Hi Rose...thanks for the chance to win. I just picked up a book called Julie and Romeo. A quick summer read. Thanks again! Karen D.

  6. Hi Rose,
    What a great sampler! I am so excited about these new In Color and can't wait to get some to use. Thanks for a chance to win.

  7. Just discovered your blog. Very cute. I've recently read The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb. It is pretty good. I am getting ready to go on vacation and am taking a sack full of library books. I'll have to let you know if any of them are good. I won't be around for a while, so if I should happen to win, can you wait a week for me to reply? If not, I TOTALLY understand!

  8. I like the color samplers, would love to win one. I just finished Strangers in Death from the In Death Series by J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts) and started Mind Games by Christine Feenhan. I read Pillare of the Earth awhile ago and enjoyed it. jmniffer

  9. Such a pretty way to show off the in colors! The last book I read was "How to be Lost". SO good. I am now reading "The Third Angel" which has started off very good! I'm in a book club, too. We read Pillars about a year ago!

  10. Can't wait to see the new in colors in "real life". The book I just picked up at the library Friday is Nora Roberts' Vision in White. It looked good so we will see. I needed some light reading and thought this was it. Hope your weekend is going good.

    Gail S. gslagle(at)nctc(dot)net

  11. Rose,
    Very cute samplers!
    I am usually reading either Winnie the Pooh or Franklin with my kids! +:-) I just picked up The Tale of Despereaux to read with my six year old; I heard it was good. Thank you for the chance to win!
    Take care!

  12. These samplers are terrific! Great idea! I don't find myself reading many books but I do pick up a magazine now and then. Usually Family Fun or All You. I did start reading The Shack-good so far but now my new catty is here so that's the only thing I'm reading! :) thanks for the chance to win!

  13. Wow, these are really cute! I think I will make these for my clubbies!


Yay! I love comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me one.