
Friday, June 26, 2009

Freebie Friday 25 Blog Candy Extravaganza!

Okay, did the title for today's post pique your interest? I am very excited about today's Freebie Friday Blog Candy, because this is by far the biggest giveaway to date on my blog! But there's a lot to celebrate this week! First of all, it's my birthday week, woohoo!! and second of all, I just surpassed 50,000 blog hits this week, which I am super excited about. I never thought I would get so into blogging, but it's been a great outlet for me, and I've enjoyed sharing my ideas with you all! So, without any further adieu, here is this week's Freebie Friday giveaway:
Here's what you get:
*3' of polka dot grosgrain ribbon in each of the new In Colors
*Bitty Basics Stamp Set
*Loopy Flowers Decorative Sizzlit Strip
I think it's pretty fun candy - you'll get about $40 of FREE product! The ribbons are so pretty in person and the Loopy Flowers Sizzlit strip is just awesome - the flower images are so cute! You can dress up a scrapbook page or card front pretty quickly! It works with the Big Shot and I'm sure it would work in the Cuttlebug, but you will need to have the decorative sizzlit cutting pads and spacer platform. And of course, last but not least is this adorable Bitty Basics stamp set - it's a handy little set that's great to have for a quick card or tag for any occasion!

In order to play, all you need to do is leave me a comment on this post with your email address or blog url (basically, enough information so I can contact you) by Midnight Saturday, June 27th. The winner will be announced on Monday's blog post, so you can check back then. You can leave me a comment about anything or you can answer the following question: What's your most memorable Birthday memory? I'll share mine with you all on Monday :) In the meantime, I do look forward to reading your comments!

Oh - I wanted to make a quick mention about last week's ice cream favorites! Looks like there's a lot of Mint Chip lovers among you readers and there was a decent number of you that also like the Mocha Almond Fudge, too! Or those that didn't discriminate on flavors so long as it's chocolate. It's a lot of fun finding out more about you all, so thanks so much for leaving me comments (on any days, really) and playing on my Freebie Fridays! You're the best!


  1. Congratulations on 50,000 hits!!! Though I'm not surprised, you do great work!
    My most memoriable birthday...hmmm..I actually have 2 and neither of them are good memories.
    The first was when I was 6 (I think), my Grandma had gotten me the Wizard of Oz for my birthday, well at that point the flying monkeys and talking lions kind of scared me a LOT. So instead of saying, "Thanks Grandma for the gift" I went "AHH The Wizard of Oz I hate this movie" At which point my mom carried me outside and we had a conversation about how rude I was and I went back in and apologized and now I love the movie!
    The other one was at my sisters birthday party, she had a slip and slide party and when it was my turn to go I must have been going too fast and couldn't stop at the end so I flew off the slip and slide into rose bushes. I was scratched from head to toe by the thorns.
    So not great memories but those are definatly the most memorable ones.
    Congrats again and THANKS for the opportunity at GREAT candy!!!!

  2. Congrat's Rose!!

    Well, my favorite bday was my 21st. I was on an 8 week event, where we were camping each night, as we (700 cyclists, 200 volunteers) moved across the country. I turned 21 in a dry county in Pennsylvania. I woke up on the morning of my birthday, and hung out (we had an off day) and at lunch time, wandered over to the food area, and there, in the middle of the buffet line was a big giant bowl of cranberry sauce (my favorite food), with a sign that said Happy Birthday, Alison... and a whole group of my friends that worked for that vendor with huge smiles on thier faces. Keep in mind, we were in the middle of nowhere, 30 miles from a hospital, much less a grocery store. I have no idea where our Vendor got enough Cranberry Sauce... it was a very sweet moment, and really one of my best birthdays.

    That's all!!

  3. Happy Birthday Rose!!!! And congrats on your 50K hits. That's incredible. I am so inspired by your artwork, thus I am surprise on the number of hits in your blog. It's been fun reading and visiting your blogs. You sure have a creative mind. What can I say, you bring out the most usage out of any stamps set and accessories into a wonderful and unique artwork. Thank you and I hope you have the best birthday ever and many more.

  4. Hi Rose! Happy Birthday!! Congrats on so many hits but of course no one is surprised! Your blog is one of the best!
    My two most memorable birthdays-the first I turned 10 and my mom has surgery that day but I did get the 10 speed bike I really wanted! The second was my 18th, one of my close friends worked at Chuck E Cheese and we went there and goofed around in the ball crawl and ate lots of pizza and mozzarella sticks. It was silly but lots of fun!
    thanks for the chance to win!! The ribbon looks yummy!

  5. Wow! Happy Birthday and Congratulations on 50,000 blog hits! What an extravaganza to celebrate!
    Thinking back...way back:)...I have vivid memories of a birthday parties in our garage. My parents would set up the picnic table and cover it with one of those paper table cloths with Happy Birthday along the border. Birthdays were the only time we had a special treat..Hawaiian Punch...still love that sugary red stuff! Mom bought the concetrate and I would love to watch her mix it together...yum! Of course, I always had my mom's chocolate cake and the highlight of the party was swinging at the pinata in my back yard. My dad had fun pulling it up and down over the tree limb as we were blindfolded and swinging away with an old broomstick! Fun times!

  6. Happy Birthday!! And congrats on the 50,000 hits!
    My favorite birthday memory was from 3 years ago. I was turning 50 and my family so wanted to surprise me with a party. No one totally gave it away, but comments from different people gave me lots of clues as to when it would be. But what really surprised me is all the people that were there. I was just blown away!
    Thanks for offering blog candy!!! I love your creations and reading about what's happening in your life.

  7. Happy, happy birthday to you Rose! I hope it's wonderful and that you feel the love of your family and friends! My most memorable thing about my birthdays is how my Mom made everyone of them special. She always planned treats and surprises because she had absolutely nothing herself growing up. She never had a birthday party or celebration of any kind, so she made sure we all had great birthdays. I miss my Mom as she passed away almost 4 years ago, but I especially miss her on my birthday, which is this week, June 30th!

  8. Hey Rose,

    50,000 so soon? You rock! :)

    What a fun candy you're giving away.

    Best birthday memory...probably my 21st when I went to Vegas sporting a very short shimmery, silver dress! lol Hey...I had the body back then. I won about $60 on a nickel machine and didn't realize it til my hubby told me! haha

    Hope you had a memoriable b-day probably will remember that MJ passed.


  9. Happy birthday Rose! I turned 40 this year and was surprised with a trip to Montreal, Canada. So that was fun! And congrats on your blog hits! I check your blog every day, especially now, knowing that we could possibly be related!

  10. Wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! And CONGRATULATIONS on all your hits!! You have a very fun & creative blog!

  11. Wow, I can believe it because you are always up-to-date on all the latest. This last birthday my DH
    bought me a new camera (Canon Rebel with telephoto lens) because I had been complaining about my 1st digital camera taking such lousy pictures. ( only 2 mega pixels and the new one has 10). Hope I win!!


  12. Rose,
    Congratulations and happy birthday!
    I have a twin sister, and when we turned one, my mom had an oil painting made of us. Now that we are older, my mom wanted to give the picture to us, but only had one. I secretly had another one made (it actually looked pretty close to the original!) and surprised my sister with it for our birthday a couple of years ago. To top the weekend off, I also had a Stampin Up! party! Thank you for the chance to win!
    Take care!

  13. Happy Birthday! congrats on that little laptop, too. we bought a new laptop last december and I could have got one of those little ones for a great deal at the time, but i passed on it and now i wish I hadn't!!!
    My best bday memory is about 10 years ago, my husband arranged with my coworkers to bring in a sheet cake,decorated with winnie the pooh, for me to have to share with my students( I teach 1st grade). My husband is very lowkey, so for him to arrange and order all of that was a great surprise for me!!!

  14. I love your blog! Congratulations on getting 50,000 hits! Every birthday that I get to spend with my family is a great birthday. Happy Birthday!! Thanks for the opportunity to win this great blog candy/Freebie Friday giveaway!

  15. Wow that is a seriously great giveaway! The ribbon makes me smile! Congrats on hitting 50,000!

  16. I have just recently found your blog Rose and I have to say that I have gotten a ton of inspiration from your creations.
    COngrats on the 50K blog hits...that is pretty exciting.
    Most memorable birthday moment was vacationing on my birthday in Cuba with my girlfriends.
    THanks for the chance to win some goodies. Alison

  17. Hi Rose-Congrats on your 50,000 hits (more by now!) and Happy Birthday! We are lucky to have you on this earth! You have such beautiful designs. My favorite b-day memory was when my husband rented a limo to take us and some friends out to dinner. It's pretty hard to keep a secret from me but he did a great job! I was very surprised! Thanks again. Karen D.

  18. Happy Birthday and Congrats on the 500,000 hits! A favorite birthday memeory of mine is how as a kid my Mom would bake a cake and the birthday kid got to pick any color for the frosting. A little thing but seemed so special at the time. Great candy offerings, thanks for the chance to win. jmniffer

  19. Happy Birthday! Mine is on the 1st! My favorite would be my 30th, I met my soon to be a husband a few months before and he threw me a huge birthday party. I hadn't had abirthday party since I was a little girl so it was great fun!

  20. Hi Rosa! Congrats - on two levels: your milestone hits and your Birthday!! Exciting week for you. As you may have noticed, I haven't done much blogging or crafting lately
    as I have been ou of the country for 3 of the past 5 weeks! Anyways, I love this set - the ribbon and stamps- but I don't have that swizzle machine so if I win maybe you can draw another name for that item.

    On my 18th bday my parents gave me flannel Mickey Mouse pajamas. And that was all. I'm notmaking that up. I hope to do better for GG's bday which is on Sunday. :)

  21. Happy Birthday and congrats on the hits. My most memorable birthday was my 30th, which was spent on my honeymoon. Yup, I was married 4 days before I turned 30.

  22. Hi Rose! Congrats on 50,000! Looks like you're going to reach 1 million in no time ;) So, my most memorable b-day would have to be when my friends decided to put some cinderella the musical tickets into a pooh cookie tin. When I saw the tin it totally reminded me that my parents had got tickets for me to go see Cinderella so I told them. Then I opened their present and OOPS... there was a ticket to go see Cinderella. I ended up going with my friends. Thanks for doing the giveaway and keep up the amazing work =)

  23. First and foremost - Happy Birthday Rose!! Congratulations on the 500,000 hits - YOU ROCK!!!! My favorite birthday memeory would be my hubby telling me a few months ago (my b-day is in April) that I could order the Serif Essentials Alpha die for the Big Shot as my gift from him - WooHoo! Love all your candy offerings, thanks for the chance to win.

  24. Happy Birthday and congrats on 50,000 hits! That's awesome! :o)


  25. First of all Congrats on the blog success! AND Happy Birthday! I love your stamping style and your cards are adorable :) My favorite birthday was in 1995 - I had just had my daughter 3 days earlier...being just 3 days apart with an anniversary in-between can get kind of hectic sometimes, but that truly was the best birthday gift ever (even though she came a little early!)

  26. Wishing you a happy birthday Rose.I love your blog.

  27. Congrats on 50K hits and Happy Birthday too! Your blog is inspiring and you have such creative ideas! Thanks for sharing! Pam B. -

  28. hi Rosemarie,

    I check your blog out daily. So thank you for all that you do. Happy Birthday to you, I hope this one will be filled with wonderful memories too! I don't really have a favorite birthday memory. Birthdays are so different as an adult then they were as a child. I looked forward to birthday then, now with 50 two weeks away, I can wait. Time is so fleeting, were does it go. In just a blink of an eye years have gone by. Hopefully with God's grace I have many more years to come and I hope to enjoy them to the fullest.


  29. My memorable birthday...I remember one party in particular where I invited my "adopted" grandparents (my real grandparents lived too far away to come) and they came to my party and played the party games with us kids. It was delightful.
    Staci -

  30. Hello Rose!

    I just got home from the beach today. I hope you had a wonderful birthday! I think my most memorable birthday had to be when I turned 32. I had just had my first son two weeks prior and I can remember being surrounded by our families and how much love this baby brought to us. I have another son and they're not babies anymore, (7 & 5) but they still make us smile every day.

    Congratulations on your blog hit milestone. I'm not surprised though. Your blog is one of my favorites. I look forward to it every day.

    Thanks for all of the inspiration and for the chance to win:)

  31. Congratulations!
    My most memorable birthday memory was my 27th. We had a SuperBowl party and tons of friends over. My boyfriend was driving my bonkers that day...little did I know it was because he was reallllly nervous. hee hee...I opened some gifts during half time, the last was a handmade card from him, which I was trying to read as he got down on one knee and proposed. I said yes and takled him! It was by far the best birthday ever....

  32. Hello Rose,
    Congrats on 50,000 hits! They sure do add up fast.. My most memorable birthday was my 30th. We just moved to a new city and I didn't know anyone. We didn't have a phone, so no calls from family and I spent the day with my almost 2year old. Needless to say it was a big pitty party.....


Yay! I love comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me one.