
Sunday, May 10, 2009

My First Blog Award!

I am so excited to have received this blog award from Rochelle! She gave me The Lemonade Stand Award for showing great attitude and gratitude. It's such a sweet gesture on Rochelle's part - it did make my day!Now I get to share this fun award with other bloggers that have visited my blog as well and show great attitude and gratitude.

Aimee Gandara
Ann McCauley
Patty Bennett
Sandy Hancock
Sharon Field
Lisa Brown
Elizabeth Fortuna
These ladies have been awesome blogger friends that I feel have great attitude and have shown sincere gratitude. All have inspired me in my blogging endeavor! So, cheers to you, ladies! Now it's your turn to share..have fun!

The rules of the award (To pick up the Lemonade Stand Award):
- Comment on this blog.- Cut and paste the award logo and use it in your own blog.
- Nominate 5 to 10 blogs you feel show great attitude and gratitude.
- Link to your nominees within your blog post.
- Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.
- Link back to the person who gave you the award to show your appreciation.

Hope you all have a great day!


  1. Thanks, Rose for the great award, and congrats on your new Etsy Store! I wish you great success. aka sharon field

  2. Thanks so much! What a treat it was to get the award!!! It's so nice to have blogging friends! I have mine scheduled to post Sunday night. Have a great weekend!!


Yay! I love comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me one.