
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hot off the Press - Convention Registration and My New Playlist!

Woohoo - I'm excited to share that I registered for the Stampin'Up! convention today. It's taking place this August and I really do look forward to going every year. I've made some great friends there over the years and I always am blown away by all the new things Stampin'Up! comes up with. Believe it or not, it will be my 9th year this year. I am really looking forward to this one because I would love to meet some of you virtual friends out there that I've met through my blog and visiting other blogs, in person! So, if any of you, dear readers, are planning on going to convention, leave me a comment or email me and let's try and meet in Salt Lake this August! Nothing formal or anything, but I would love the opportunity to make some name and face associations.

Another thing I'm excited about is the playlist I added to my blog just this evening! I think it's gonna be a work in progress, but so far, I'm happy with the songs I picked. I hope you guys like it too - if not, you can always turn the volume down or mute your computer ;)

Well, that's all I got tonight. I've been busy getting things ready for my friend's baby shower this coming weekend. I'll definitely share some pics after! I'll be posting a project tomorrow. I just sorta ran out of time tonight...too preoccupied with my playlist (heehee!).

Hope to see you guys tomorrow. Thanks for visiting!

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