Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween and a blog Trick or Treat!

Hello all!  Hope you are having a great day so far.  I have a little devil that wanted to pop in and wish you a Happy Halloween!  He's certainly the friendliest looking little devil, isn't he?  We'll be off to do some Trick-or-treating festivities shortly.

I made this cute digital card using MDS2.  It's so easy to use and love how quick I can put something together!

Now it wouldn't quite a complete Halloween experience if you didn't get to go trick or treating on this visit to my blog, right?  So for those of you that would like to leave me a message today, I'll be giving away a fun little treat to one lucky commenter.  How about getting you started on your holiday cards with the cute Merry Little Christmas Simply Created Card Kit from the Holiday Mini?
Just leave me a comment on this blog post by midnight Pacific Time on Sunday, November 3rd and I'll pick one lucky winner and announce on Monday, November 4th!  So, be sure to check back here to see who the winner is.

Good luck and have a fun time trick or treating! :)


newfiecrafter(Marilyn) said...

He sure is one happy devil and so cute . Hope he gets lots of treats. Thanks for a chance to win this awesome prize. I just came upon your blog recently and became a follower.

Anonymous said...

Wow your baby is grown up already! And you are enjoying him so much! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Cam said...

Hi Rose, yes he is the friendliest looking devil. Too cute. Did he get lots of treats?
Looking forward to more of your posts.

The Klawer Family said...

I love this new kit! It's so simple & cute!

The Klawer Family said...

I love this kit! It's so simple & cute!